This website is promoted by individuals opposed to the Wolf Bay Bridge proposal. We welcome comments from both sides (Email: The bridge opponents are not a monolithic group. Their opposition to its construction includes, but is not limited to, the following reasons:
1. Construction and maintenance costs borne exclusively by Orange Beach taxpayers. Those north of the bridge pay nothing.
2. The misconception that the increased lodging tax bounty must be directed toward the proposed Wolf Bay Bridge. The lodging tax receipts are general revenue and can be used elsewhere. The city needs sidewalks, adequate lighting, parks and beautification projects.
3. The prohibitive bridge cost - at least $80,000,000. This could jeopardize the city's financial stability.
4. Potential for enviromental damage and aesthetic concerns.
5. A failure of the City leaders to adequately consider the will of the Orange Beach residents on this issue.
6. Uncontrolled growth. The current administration must acknowledge that unfettered growth is not desired. The earliest failures to buy beach access property and permitting developers to exceed the 13-story height limit are examples of their contributing to uncontrolled growth.
Submitted by John McCabe